The Rise of AI In The Automotive Industry

The Automotive Industry is one of the fastest-growing and evolving industries in the world, standing at the forefront of innovation it was only natural that it was one of the first sectors to adapt to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence.

From self-driving cars that navigate streets autonomously to voice assistants enhancing our in-car experience, AI’s integration into the automotive industry surely promises a much safer, more efficient and connected driving experience. Join WDA Automotive in this blog post as we go through ‘The Rise of Artificial Intelligence In The Automotive Industry’.


What Is Artificial Intelligence?

DEFINITION: The ability of a computer or other machine to perform actions thought to require intelligence. Among these actions are logical deduction and inference, creativity, the ability to make decisions based on experience or insufficient or conflicting information, and the ability to understand spoken language.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the science of making a machine think and act like a human. Unlike a human though, Artificial Intelligence can process large amounts of data. The overall goal is for Artificial Intelligence to be advanced enough to the point where it can make difficult decisions by itself, judge individual situations, and identify unique things and objects, a pattern for example.

Whilst AI does have an overwhelming amount of positives, there are of course some downsides. For example, people fear that one day AI could become too advanced for us to control. Matters are made worse when stories like this one come out ‘Facebook AI robots start talking to each other in their own language’ later debunked here. There is also the argument that we are developing a technology that is capable of performing many tasks more efficiently than humans, so it’s inevitable that everyone’s jobs will be replaced. The truth is that AI is nothing like it is in the movies, the benefits heavily outweigh the negatives and the jobs that would likely be replaced are largely already being undertaken by robots.


Artificial Intelligence In Autonomous Vehicles

Let’s begin with the obvious one: Autonomous Vehicles. When people think of automotive AI, they think of self-driving cars, Tesla is the first thing that comes to mind. These vehicles are certainly one of the more visible applications of the technology, but in reality, there is so much more going on behind the scenes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration segment AVs under six different levels of autonomy starting from Level 0 to 5, with Level 5 being a fully autonomous vehicle that can operate without the need for a human driver.

Nearly every major automotive manufacturer is currently working on their own version of the technology. Tesla is of course the big player in the autonomous space, with their first version of Autopilot being introduced way back in October 2014. Since then, Autopilot has evolved into the ‘full self-driving’’ Level 5 version that exists today, although it is still the driver’s responsibility to be in control of the car at all times.

Other major manufacturers developing their own version of the technology include Ford, Audi, Volkswagen, General Motors, etc. The development of autonomous systems takes a very long time, there are a lot of obstacles and challenges that manufacturers need to overcome. ScienceNews Magazine listed five of the key technological challenges, one of the main ones being cybersecurity. There was an example of this challenge in 2015 when hackers successfully accessed a Jeep’s braking and steering controls, forcefully stopping it on a St. Louis highway whilst driving at 70mph.


Artificial Intelligence In Vehicles For Driver Assistance

Artificial Intelligence offers more immediate and beneficial opportunities by upgrading the in-car experience. Modern vehicles are much safer and more comfortable than ever before as a result of manufacturers using computer vision, natural language processing, and robotic automation. A standard modern-day vehicle comes equipped with computer technology and connectivity that can better understand the road and weather conditions, the behaviour of other drivers, and real-time traffic conditions.

There are many different ways that AI has significantly changed the in-car experience, many of which people now think of as standard features. Voice assistants are a good example, enabling hands-free control of various vehicle functions.

As AI technology continues to advance, the in-car experience is likely to become even more sophisticated and advanced. We could potentially see a future where a vehicle’s AI technology is advanced enough to monitor the driver’s head and body position to detect drowsiness or to adjust the body position during an accident. Driver assessments could analyse a driver’s history and predict potential issues before they happen.


Artificial Intelligence In Automotive Manufacturing

Although the average person might assume that AI is mostly being used to improve the experience the customer has with the vehicle, manufacturers have begun using AI in just about every single stage of the car-building process. When manual and repetitive jobs are made quicker and more efficient using robots and machines, the manufacturer in return produce’s a larger amount of vehicles, it’s a no-brainer.

AI has transformed nearly all aspects of the auto-manufacturing process, from research and design to project management and business support functions. There were already many robots and machines in automotive factories around the world, but these generally performed a limited set of actions in a limited number of scenarios. Compared to AI robots and machines that would effectively have the ability to perform actions that could only be achieved by humans before, whilst also learning and finding more efficient ways to complete the task at hand.

There’s a reason every major manufacturer is racing to implement AI technology, AI is a guaranteed solution to increase productivity and save money. There are of course still roles that only humans can oversee, there are lots of roles that make use of AI in some areas, but do still need a human in charge. The video below shows what it’s like inside one of Tesla’s Gigafactories and what the balance between robots and humans is like.

Has Artificial Intelligence Affected Automotive Marketing?

Advancements in AI technology have reinvented the way that vehicles are designed, manufactured and driven, but it has also revolutionised the way that automotive businesses connect with their customers through their marketing efforts. AI paves the way for automotive businesses to give more personalized and immersive experiences to the customer and there are many compelling ways that this is being achieved, let’s explore how the rise of artificial intelligence has had a profound impact on marketing in the automotive industry.

Personalising the Customer Experience: One of the many ways that AI has proven to be very effective in automotive marketing. AI allows automotive businesses to gather large amounts of data that wasn’t accessible before, this information includes customer interactions, customer reactions, social media and online behaviour amongst many others. Marketers can analyse this information to better understand individual preferences and in turn, deliver marketing campaigns that are highly personalized, tailoring product recommendations and targeted advertisements to enhance the overall customer experience.

Predictive Customer Insights: AI-driven predictive analytics enable automotive marketers to anticipate customers’ needs and preferences. AI algorithms are able to analyse historical data, highlighting any patterns or trends. This information allows marketers to proactively reach out to prospective customers with relevant offers and content, improving the chances of converting leads into sales.

Virtual Assistants & Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants and becoming increasingly popular on automotive business websites, mobile apps and social media channels. A tool that is available 24/7 for potential customers to get instant support and answers is an invaluable asset for any business. This automation not only improves a business’s level of customer service but also frees up human resources to focus on more important or strategic tasks.

Marketing Campaign Optimisation: Analysing and identifying the most effective ad copy, visuals and targeting parameters to maximise a marketing campaign’s performance has always been a long but necessary manual task for marketers. AI algorithms are now able to automate this optimisation, through the use of A/B testing AI technology can quickly and significantly enhance campaign optimisation and allocate budgets more effectively by identifying high-converting channels and audiences.


In conclusion, the integration of Artificial Intelligence into the automotive industry has triggered an era of innovation and transformation, revolutionising the driving experience. Despite concerns surrounding AI’s potential risks, real-world applications in vehicles showcase the overwhelming amount of benefits that AI offers. Moreover, AI’s impact extends beyond just the vehicle, influencing the entire automotive manufacturing process by streamlining tasks, increasing productivity, and contributing to cost savings.


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