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At WDA we’re not known for clinging to history. Which is a good thing as todays digital media landscape is changing daily, which means WDA is constantly changing to ensure we always deliver our clients ‘Big Ideas’ through the most effective channels. And since most of WDAs creative thinking now finds its way online, an update of our website was timely.
It’s all part of a recent brand review where we took a long, honest look at what we do, what we’re good at and where our clients need us to go next.
Whilst the results lead us to a process which is visually more evolution than revolution; the refresh hopefully builds on our existing reputation and makes WDA even more relevant to our clients needs.
The new website has been designed around the visitor with the objective being to give a broad overview of WDA as quickly as possible. As such we have been quite ruthless in pruning back the content!
Search was a major consideration so an overhaul of the SEO was also carried out, and we took the decision to move any work examples onto the new blog for speed of update to keep content fresh.
We have also added in new service offerings (and a link to our new portfolio) which expands upon our online work including social media, viral video and email marketing.
The website also introduces WDA’s unique ROI (return on idea) process which revolves around our ongoing commitment to accountability and return on investment.
In addition WDA’s brand management wheel is also published which illustrates our Ideas based marketing philosophy which ensures creativity is at the heart of everything we do but fully supported by sound strategy and methodology.
Why not click here to take a look and see what WDA could potentially deliver for you.
Start your journey to driving more business today by simply completing your details on our contact form below.